Here’s the story: the Empire is conquering the universe. The stormtroopers are already invading the planets of our galaxy: we have to stop them! You, young Padawans will have to train to become Jedis and save the universe.

So.. now come with me and enroll the Jedis’ academy!

Take your Padawan’s offical badge,








put your name and…

…chose the colors of your x-wing!








READY TO GO? Let’s take a look at the map…










We will first travel to DAGOBAH where Yoda will give each of us a lightsaber. Then we’ll move to BESPIN, ALDERAN and TATOOINE and free them from evil.








Dagobah is the mysterious, mist-shrouded planet, mostly covered in swamps and bogs, where master Yoda lives. To become Jedis you will have to reach master Yoda and earn the Lightsabers finding your way through the tangled vegetation.

Once you all have your light-sabers, we can move on to Bespin!







Tie-fighters are all around Bespin…

you will need special bullets to shoot them down…

but only great Padawans deserve to shoot…

to become a great Padawans, you need to meet the Star Wars characters…

get a Star wars bingo card…

for every character you recognize, get a candy…

and a shot at tie-fighter!











